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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dream In A Bottle

Ok-so I totally thought of this idea before I saw it! Soooo, when I came across these images I was mega excited to say the least! 

I have been thinking of what to do for the little gifts you give your friends and family who celebrate your wedding with you. You know, do you give them a cute little picture of you (that most likely they will not hold onto or loose within a couple of weeks. Do you give them a jar of jam?

Well, there are so many AMAZINGLY awesome ideas out there. Hundreds and hundreds, so much so that it was kind of overwhelming for me.  I love dreaming. I love pulling out the dreams in people's hearts, helping them remember them just by being me. So, I thought: A glass little bottle with a scroll inside of it with something to do with the dreams of their heart being painted into reality.  I didn't think of the cool wax seal like this wonderful Etsy artist did. When I saw this I was like, "Yes!" I had told one of my best friends Kalia that I wanted to use keys in my wedding and have been buying up some really cool cast iron, huge keys to use in the decor. The tiny key accent is just sweetness!  The key to your dreams! 

The whole theme of our wedding is dreams coming true and I want to spread that. Will everyone remember where they put their little dream trinket once the wedding is over? Um...maybe not. Sure it might get lost in my Aunts purse or get lost in the car-but if for just a moment when they first look at it and read the little card that I will make for them, describing what it is and why-if for just a second it inspires them to expect beauty and wonder, then that lights up my sky.

Check out MiniatureRhino 's store on Etsy! 


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