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Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Day Is Here, and I'm Pooped

You might have let out a surprised laugh when you read the tittle of this blog. But, the truth is that too many couples, (mostly the bride part of the couple, sorry ladies but it's true) get wrapped up in the wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful craziness and stress called a wedding. To the point that when the wedding day roles along-she's too tired to fully enjoy it!

Suddenly the ribbons and bows-flowers and photographers-guests and all the drama that comes with figuring out who to invite and who not to invite overtakes the bride's world. "Do we invite Aunt B. AND Uncle J. even though they haven't spoken to each other in over 30 years and refuse to be in the same place at the same time?" 

As the day draws closer she realizes that she has spent months not even enjoying this season, not even living it but stressing it. 

When Samuel proposed to me I was dancing in the ballrooms of heaven, listening to the angels sing our personal love songs for weeks. All that filled my mind was the faithfulness of God and everything he had taught me about expecting above amazing from him. I didn't have a worry, I wasn't stressed, I was in love. I was in love with the heart of God who so richly and lavishingly poured out the dreams of my heart  in the most vivid and colorful way I could imagine-in a dream named Samuel.

After a couple of months-still floating and flying I started to plan, think and sort out detais about the actual day. In a rush of childlike excitement I would tell my friends the vibe I wanted my wedding to have, how I wanted my friends and family to feel when they left and the sound I wanted to paint in the joy of the day as Sam and I started our new life together. 

In the middle of planning after more weeks I started to slowly put my expectancy in the wonderful goodness of God on the shelf and started to freak out. All of a sudden the realities of budgets, time and distance away from Samuel started to add up. Putting the wedding list together alone was worthy of a comedy screen play that, because of it's painful truth and the fact you could so easily relate makes it hilarious. It was and is interesting, bringing  up family issues that 99% of the time sit silent like a huge pimple on the end of your nose deep under the skin.  But there is just something about a wedding... *raising my eyebrows*  ...that makes you have to deal with it, in some form or fashion, one way or another. Somebody isn't going to be happy and you just have to be ok with that. 

When Sam and I talk during our daily skype time, he reminds me as he comforts my at times, overwhelmed heart,  the wedding isn't about a wedding, it's about us,  our love for each other and beautiful heart of God that brought us together. Period.   

Being reminded of the simplicity of love is so freeing. Your wedding day isn't about a wedding, it's about that look you give your man when are watching him tell you something he's excited about. It's about the feeling your heart feels when his gentle smile caresses your face and you hear him say "I love you."  It's about the dreams you dream together and future God is weaving for you as one. 

This time, while I'm engaged is a time I will never have again. How sad for me to waste it in worry, and allowing all joy to sucked down the drain. Every day, I have to look for the Kisses God is blowing me. 

To sum it up-don't get so wrapped up in the wedding plans that you loose the joy and heart of why you are planning one. 

1 comment:

  1. That's such a good and powerful thought - something we can carry over to any part of our lives. Whatever season we are in, they often are a one time thing and not something to be wasted :) Thanks for sharing, hon!


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